Thursday, February 15, 2018

February Color Belt Testing & Tournament News

Martial artists from the Stevens Point YMCA taekwondo class and Stevens Taekwondo A New Way of Life tested successfully for new belt ranks at the YMCA recently. 

The students all sparred, demonstrated kicks, blocks and forms, and broke a board as they advanced in rank level.  

Yellow belt Jerome Meredith was awarded the trophy for excellence in testing.

The testing was judged by head instructors Mark and Hilde Henkel and Karen Johnson, assisted by Ron Locascio.

Tournament News

A local martial artist excelled at the Badger State Winter Games in Wausau recently.

High green belt Ian Shelton won two first place gold medals in board breaking.  He topped out the high jump breaking with a six foot four inch jumping front kick, and then wowed the judges with his five board breaks using a jump spin side kick, a tornado kick, a flying side kick, a high switching front kick and a sword hand.  Shelton also earned second place in sparring at the event at Wausau West High School Field House.  

 Shelton is a student at Stevens Taekwondo A New Way of Life.