Hultman earns black belt
Benjamin Hultman
successfully completed testing for first degree black belt at the YMCA
recently. Hultman, who trains with
Stevens Taekwondo Academy YMCA, demonstrated advanced kicks and sparring skills
in two matches. He cleanly snapped a
board with a spinning side kick and performed koryo and four taegeuk forms in
addition to answering a wide-ranging oral exam on the history, tenets, symbols
of taekwondo and teaching methods.
Master instructors Mark and Hilde Henkel judged the
testing, assisted by senior masters Karen Johnson and Ron Locascio and master
Carol Landrath.
Tournament News
Black belt Mandi (Salm) Wetzel competed well at the AAU State Taekwondo championship in March. She won her first sparring match in 26 seconds with a KO from aspinning hook, and though second match went to her competitor, she enjoyed the tournament.
***Watch for announcement of a special evening training in May !
***New session starts on April 17, with the first week featuring "Try Taekwondo". Those interested can attend the first two nights (April 17 & 19) to try out the class before registering. So tell your friends and family!
Spring session : April 17 7:30 in YMCA gym to
May 24 last class of the session
***No Classes May 29 and May 31***
Summer session I: June 5 first class 7:30 YMCA gym
Color belt testing June 14, 8 pm
***No Classes July 3 & July 5***
Last class July 19
***No Classes July 24 & July 26
Summer Session II: first class July 31 7:30 YMCA gym
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