Sunday, February 24, 2008

February 2008 Testing

Two women earned black belt status and more than thirty color belts advanced despite mid-winter testing at the YMCA on a day of very difficult travel.

Whitney Lotzer and Kim Sherwin earned their deputy black belts Sunday, February 17, as central Wisconsin received eight inches of snow. Both women performed five taegeuk forms, advanced kick combinations and sparring. Lotzer broke a board with a back spinning side kick. Sherwin smashed two boards with a back spinning side kick.

High yellow belt Erin Johnson won first place for excellence in testing, with blue belt Brian Hoch earning second place and high yellow Greg Hakomaki taking third place.

Grandmaster Dwight Stevens judged the testing, assisted by Senior Master Mark Henkel and Master Bill Dragolovich.
Remember that Stevens Taekwondo Academy classes at the YMCA will not be in session March 18& 20 or April 15 & 17. The next testing dates are April 13 and June 8.

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